On-camera tips


Appearing on camera is a new experience for most people, so the team at Lonsdale St Studio is on hand to make you feel at home!

Our Green Room is the perfect place to sit, relax and focus before any production. So that you can be your best on camera we encourage all our guests to arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time to prepare.

Our studio lights are LED’s which run cold and use less power but they can create a shine on certain skin types. We recommend applying make up by utilising one of our three make up stations to prepare before going on camera. There is a small make up kit available for all guests and the studio team may direct our guest to apply make up before a production.

What to wear: please avoid wearing small checks or tight stripes and small patterns. If your production is in front of a black curtain, avoid wearing black. If your production is in front of a green screen, avoid wearing green. If you have a uniform which is green please let our production team know in advance and we can change the background accordingly.

Our studios can be configured for any production set up, so if there is anything you need to make your on camera experience easier please let our team know.

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